A tonometry test measures the pressure inside your eye, which is called intraocular pressure (IOP). This test is used to check for glaucoma, an eye disease that can cause blindness by damaging the nerve in the back of the eye (optic nerve).
Tonometry measures IOP by recording the resistance of your cornea to pressure (indentation). Eyedrops to numb the surface of your eye are used with most of the following methods.
The CT-1/CT-1P Computerised Tonometer being the latest in technological advancements provides innovative results with its simple and Quick operation fully automated measurement.
The soft air puff used for measurement leads to less stress and more comfort for a patient during the measurement procedure.
Computerized Tonometry

Applanation Tonometry

Applanation tonometry is used to measures fluid pressure in your eye. The test involves using a slit lamp equipped with forehead and chin supports and a tiny, flat-tipped cone that gently comes into contact with your cornea.
The test measures the amount of force needed to temporarily flatten a part of your cornea. It is considered as the Gold standard test for pressure measurement, especially in glaucoma cases.